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AccueilActualités > Mont St Michel Routes and Environnment

Itinéraire culturel du Conseil de l´Europe
Conseil de l´Europe

Mont St Michel Routes and Environnment

Through walks and all-terrain cycling (the guides offer alternative cycle routes) the association hopes to encourage gentle travel which respects the environment. The start point for events nowadays are in towns with railway station. Such use of public transport is preferred and a current project is to work with French railways to promote a combined network of SNCF rail and Les Chemins trails, making it easy to join and leave the route while taking into account everyone’s personal preferences and capabilities.
At a local level the aim is to allow local residents to ‘adopt’ the project, to know about their environment and their history and to suggest future actions (accommodation, meals, visits, gatherings…). A participatory agreement (‘Communes de Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel’) agreement is offered to towns along the way as well as tourism and cultural events.

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